Saturday, January 01, 2011

New Years Resolutions

Last year was the first that I chose a doable, but challenging do all the recipes in Alice Water's wonderful cookbook, The Art of Simple Food. It was a great year with many many good meals, dinner parties, lunches, and gifts of food. Lots of successes and a few failures...and I finished about 340 of the 350 recipes.

So...for 2011 I want to do something else that is enriching, doable but a big challenge. One of is something I do quite a bit of and want to expand on it, and the other is something I like but make alot of excuses about doing.

So, I will read 50 books this year! One of them must be War and Peace, but all the rest are whatever I want to read at the moment. Books, ebooks and audiobooks all count.

AND, I will do 50 trails this year! Hiking, biking, skiing, snowshoeing all count...and I can't repeat more than 10 trails.

Wish me luck!

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